Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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300 lines
ScanWWW V1.4
Author: Sebastian Rieger
Requirements: any Ami, KS1.3, FTPMount 1.0, TCP/IP (AmiTCP,Miami...)
(for FTPMount see chapter "6.How to install FTPMount?")
First of all... this is the first release of ScanWWW further improvements
are planned!
Please support the shareware idea!
Table of contents
1. What is ScanWWW?
2. Why is it shareware?
3. How does it work?
4. What is a local webserver?
5. How to install ScanWWW?
6. How to install FTPMount?
7. How to use ScanWWW?
8. How to configure ScanWWW?
9. How to contact the author?
10.Future improvements
What is ScanWWW?
ScanWWW alows you to update your webserver or your private homepage. It scans
a local directory for new files, which have not yet been transfered to the
internet. Then it simply copies them over to your host. It also allows you
to get certain files from your host e.g. the counter or a transfer logfile.
Why is it shareware?
Because it is very handy ;-) No! I need some support to keep up programming
for the Amiga. As you might notice, I`m also the programmer of UpToDate,
which is available form Oberland Computer. But there isn`t that market for
Amiga software as there was some years ago... The shareware fee is not that
expensive it`s just 20 DM / 10 $ / 10 sFr / 140 Ös. You can send the money
via snail mail (post) to the following address, or send a money order...
or transfer it to my bank account... i only need it ;-) Then I will send
you your keyfile via EMail. If you wish to get it via snail mail (post)
you have to add the shipping costs. Don`t forget to mention your EMail
Address or postal address otherwise i won`t know whom to send it ;-))
Sebastian Rieger
Untere Steinkuhle 10
31061 Alfeld
Kreissparkasse ALFELD
Bank Nr.: 259 510 20
Account Nr.: 100082643
Name: Sebastian Rieger
How does it work?
After the update process it sets the archive flag of every file. Yes! You
got it! It manages everything by the archive flag! This flag is unset
everytime you save a file. If you edit any file and save it again the
archive flag will be unset. Please note, that if you copy any external
files to your local host directory you have to unset the archive flag (it`s
usually already unset!). You can see the archive flag by using the list
command or any directory utility (like DirOpus). You`ll see something like
----RWED these are the file attributes. The character in front of the R
has to be A for the file to be archived. For example ---ARWED. Consult your
AmigaDOS/Workbench manual if you want to know more about attributes.
What is a local webserver?
Ever heard this term? It`s just a local image (copy) of all the directories
and files on your webserver. It`s that simple! If you use local refers as
"../index.html" in your HTML-Files, you will be able to browse through your
web localy! The only thing you have to use then are local references. A
link to www.your.host/dir/doc.htm has to be <A HREF="dir/doc.htm"></A>. If
you want to linik back to your homepage you have to use a parent mark
"../". <A HREF="../index.html"></A>. Then you get from
www.your.host/dir/doc.htm to www.your.host/index.html. The same applies to
images. (<IMG SRC="../pic.jpg">.
How to install ScanWWW?
Simply start its installer script
How to install FTPMount?
You can find FTPMount via AmiNet. It mounts a logical device FTP: on your
Workbench. Unpack its archive. Start the installation script. There aren`t
any very difficult questions along the installation. After this step take a
look in the directory, you installed it in. You will find a drawer called
"hosts". In this dir all the hosts that are reachable via FTPMount are stored.
Every directory is a configuration for a server. First you have to create a
new drawer in this path. Make sure that you have also created an icon for
the new drawer. The whole configuration is done via tooltypes. Usually you
would need to mention three tooltypes:
The HOST tooltype defines the location of your webserver in the internet.
USER defines the required user for the webhost, which has got the rights
to change files on your server. PASSWORD just defines the needed password
for this user. You can also leave the PASSWORD tooltype unset. Then you will
be asked for the password everytime you perform a login.
How to use ScanWWW?
If you`ve already red the previous part of this manual, then you already know
how to use the file attributes. ScanWWW can be started either from the shell
or from the Workbench (using its icon). After the scanning process you have
to press RETURN to start the update of your webserver. It will copy every
file which is marked with a ">" in front of its path/file.
>index.html (will be copied)
index.html (won`t be copied)
How to configure ScanWWW?
It`s very simple! There are two files you have to edit. Please note that every
file has to end with a blank line! So press enter after the last line you
typed in!
Both files are copied to ENVARC:.
consists of 5 lines:
ConnectCommand=execute dh1:startinet
DisconnectCommand=execute dh1:stopinet
1.Line The LocalScanPath is the path where your local copy of your webserver
resides. Please note that you have to use the logical device! The
logical device is the name of the Volume. For example you have got
dh0: and dh1: (or something like this...) and their names are
Boot and Work. So you have to use these names Boot: or Work: followed
by the directory. Do not add any "/" at the end of the line!
2.Line RemotePath. ftp: stands for the FTPMount device. Alfeld stands for
the config dir of FTPMount. See the FTPMount Manual if you do not
know how to add a new FTP server. To give you a short explantation:
The RemotePath (after ftp:) has to be a directory in the directory
FTPMount:Hosts. There is usualy e.g. a directory called aminet
already existent. You can analyse its icon tooltypes to see how you
can configure your own drawer/host. Do not add any "/" at the end
of the line!
3.Line Connect command. For example "execute dh1:startinet". This command
is executed if you select "Yes" when you want to connect the internet.
Scripts or ARexx-Scripts are available for every TCP/IP Stack.
For AmiTCP you can use:
ConnectCommand=execute amitcp:bin/startnet
DisconnectCommand=execute amitcp:bin/stopnet
4.Line Disconnect command. Ths command is executed if you want to diconnect
the internet.
5.Line The directory where you want to store the files you get from your
webserver. Remember that you have to have the whole directory
structure of your webserver in ths path. If your want to get
logs/transfer.log from your webserver then the directory logs
has to be created in the Path defined by Line 5 before you can
get the files. Please note that you have to use the logical device! The
logical device is the name of the Volume. For example you have got
dh0: and dh1: (or something like this...) and their names are
Boot and Work. So you have to use these names Boot: or Work: followed
by the directory. Do not add any "/" at the end of the line!
consists of as many lines as you need. Please consider that you have to have a
blank line at the end of the file!
Every line has a certain header:
Example file:
A Access.log
The A stands for ADD while the D stands for DELETE. If you set an A at the
beginning of the line, the given file (here Access.log) will be ADDED to the
one stored on your local harddisc. If you type a D in the second column the
file will be removed from your webserver. You can combine the two attributes
or leave them totally untouched.
This file contains all paths which will be rejected to upload. This function
is very usefull when you are working together with some people on the same
Just give the relative paths. For example:
If you used work:webpages/ as your local webserver which contains:
If you enter in your ENVARC:ScanWWWRej.prefs file the following lines:
then ScanWWW will only copy changed files from
How to contact the author?
Sebastian Rieger
Untere Steinkuhle 10
31061 Alfeld
Future releases
- will include a prefs editor (call me lazy, but I think you`ll manage it ;-))
- an improvement of the filter feature
- a special version in German ;-)
V1.4 - Published via AmiNet
- separate config program
- separate reject file
- removed sorting bug / makedir bug
V1.3 - separate configfiles
- fixed a nasty sorter bug
- the files are now selectable
- no longer limited to private use
V1.2 - possibility to Quit everytime
- implemented RETURN query
V1.1 - additional requesters
- refreshed the doc after scanning
V1.0 - first release
# The author doesn`t take any responsibilities for damages caused by ScanWWW
# ...because it works! i use it every day! ;-)